Climate the Movie: Full Movie

"Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth", Debunks Global Warming & Net Zero Narratives

This 80-minute documentary, directed by Martin Durkin and produced by Tom Nelson, features world-renowned scientists and researchers, among them:

  • Professor Steven Koonin, author of ‘Unsettled’, a former provost and vice-president of CalTech,

  • Professor Dick Lindzen, formerly professor of meteorology at Harvard and MIT,

  • Professor Will Happer, professor of physics at Princeton,

  • Dr John Clauser, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022,

  • Professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics)

  • as well as Dr Roy Spencer, Prof Ross McKitrick, Prof Henrik Svensmark, and Dr Willie Soon.


FULL MOVIE: Let My People Go


1947 - When America Quietly Divorced God