AUnt Jean’s Corner: “I was there”

Jean Marie (Fry) Copeland, “Aunt Jean” as affectionately known by most, including me.

Like many other broken people… Aunt Jean brought me in when I was homeless… and while she’s not my aunt by blood, she’s the best aunt I’ve ever had.

Were it not for Aunt Jean—-there would be no Intellectual Froglegs.

I was born in the year of the big stock market crash and was told of the hardships, despair and deaths which is part of the past.

The 30's were rough but we kids didn't know. We played with tin cans and sticks, made up games & learned to sew. The tramps came to beg and were never turned away. They were fed at the steps and went on their way.

So many were homeless without jobs to find, so the government set up work camps to help them get out of the bind. They built roads, dams, highways and schools and had pride in their work as they learned these new skills.

A hatred was building in Europe we found, as the Germans let Hitler take over the Ground.

He conquered the small countries and took over France, bombed England and Russia as his greed did abound.

Murdering his own people was no problem at all. If they were crippled, different or Jewish, they were in for the fall. If you didn't agree with his policy and tried to make him stop, you were put to death with the others and gassed or shot.

The 40's came and we still didn't move… until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, then we got involved. Had we opened our hearts to the devastation Hitler early brought and helped the small countries around, WWII might never have been fought.

The kids helped fight the enemy by selling war stamps and bonds that helped pay for the war that Germany & Japan had caused. There was rationing of gas, butter, sugar, meat and more—- to insure our soldiers would have food and supplies to even the score.

But God was with us and we prevailed. The Country came together and the Germans surrendered.

Hitler being the coward he was… killed himself and others he loved. America helped rid the world of this great hate, God Blessed America and put us back in His Grace.

The Japanese were cruel and tortured our soldiers who they caught in the war. They invaded China and other countries around as they raped, tortured and plundered the things that they found.

Then came the big bomb for all to fear but our leaders said it would save more lives if we let it drop. Shorty after that time Japan surrendered so we helped them rebuild their Country from the devastation the bomb brought.

The 50's and 60's came and I had grown, seeing our men march off to Korea and then Vietnam.

They fought for love of freedom and of mankind and I cried many tears for the many that were maimed and died.

God gave us a free will so that we can decide, and now there is more horror with hate at its back. Pray for our leaders, guide them in justice and love so they can have all your blessings from above.

Keep our Country in prayer rather than hate and despair and bring love eternal into the hearts of all that care.

And I was there through all of those years and know that faith and hope are forever as long as we live and love.

- Jean Marie


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